Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Same old, same old

I have not posted alot lately because there is a severe lack of anything interesting to report or discuss, and I do not like blogging about nothing. As an American living in the 21st century, I am accustomed to having something interesting and entertaining to do all the time. Life isn't or shouldn't be like that. But what used to be daily life is now seen as drudgery. I guess that right now what I should be feeling is gratitude. Even the problems we are facing now are not horrible in the sense that no one is dying, none of us are in chemotherapy, none of us are in dialisis. So, life is good!
I have noticed a lot more problems and sorrow in my life in the past 5 years than I ever did before. I guess I was very shielded before that. Now, I can readily say that I am anxiously awaiting Heaven, and being in the very presence of God and not having a single thing to be concerned about. That alone is worth it to me, the streets of gold and the mansion on the hilltop are just the icing on the cake.
Nevertheless, I am grateful. Thankful for the life He has seen fit to bless me with.

Thank you, Lord


Cherish the Home said...

Now, I can readily say that I am anxiously awaiting Heaven, and being in the very presence of God and not having a single thing to be concerned about. That alone is worth it to me, the streets of gold and the mansion on the hilltop are just the icing on the cake.

As terrible as trials can be they sure can get our minds back to where they should be.

Unfortunately most of us (myself included) tend to be like Israel in the Bible and forget God when times are good. Our trials and tribulations seem to remind us how much we need God....kind of draws us closer to Him.

Hang in there.....

Pfingston said...

Remember, even what seems dull to you is interesting to us!
Even days that it seems there is nothing interesting or entertaining.