Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Ladies Bible Study

Every week we have a ladies Bible study. We talk, we pray, I ask every woman at the table if she has read the Bible everyday that week. Then Mom gives the lesson. After that, we eat! (We are Baptists, after all; ) )
This week, we started a plan to help the ladies acquire a notebook that will contain the prayer lists, Bible reading schedule, lesson notes, etc. These notebooks will be tools in their hands to make it easier to read and study the Word of God. Think "Bible study control journal". We were thrilled to have 15 ladies in attendance. Mom taught about not being weary in well doing. Our memory verse for this week is Luke 18:1, where Jesus starts a parable about praying always and not fainting.
I'm sure it was a great lesson, but I was out with a little girl who is not used to not being the center of attention. Family-integrated church is a wonderful idea when you have parents who train their children. When you have parents have done nothing but continually give in to their children's demands, having children in the Bible study is counterproductive. (to put it mildly) Little Francesca and I had a "who's really in charge" battle today. I came out ahead, I think. She didn't seem angry toward me later, so I feel that in the end, I'll earn her respect.

You sure could see the difference in people's faces today after last night's confession session and Lord's Supper. There was an openness and a joy in many faces that had been lacking. You've just got to have the Joy!


Deanna said...

Thanks for the message. Any info is greatly appreciated. So do you know anyone specifically in Temuco that we might could meet with? Thanks!!!


Kristi said...

Rhonda, it's sad to have to deal with unruly children...but the Bible is a great tool for teaching. Too bad people won't read the instructions, aye?

And JOY can ALWAYS be seen on someone's face. I like to be around joyful people!!!
