Saturday, February 07, 2009

Dave Ramsey.....with a vengeance

I have been occasionaly, casually mentioning Dave Ramsey and his ideas to my Dh for about a year now. Neil is usually very good with money, and we've only carried a balance on our credit card for a few months in our 15 year marriage.
But I know that we could do better. Of course, men usually don't like their women telling them what they need to do with their money, and they sure don't want to hear their wives sing the praises of another man. So I got dirty looks from Dh anytime I mentioned Dave. Until.......

Until Neil's best friend, Pastor Julian, becomes a Dave Ramsey devotee. Chileans have a hard time with the name, so they call him "el peladito" in other words, "Baldy". Another pastor friend gave him the financial peace book, in Spanish, of course. Neil, who must have Scottish blood running through his veins, has taken to it all....with a vengeance! I just wanted us to get out of debt, not turn into frugal experts! We're already completely out of debt, as our debt was really small to begin with. In fact, I didn't even think it was worth it to call Dave and yell "We're debt free!"

Neil's already put full plastic bottles into the toilet tank, so as not to use as much water. I have been reading Crystal Paine for years, and Hillbilly Housewife is where I first learned about blogging. I guess now its time to really get into it. Too bad that there is no CVS or Aldi here! Also, no coupons!
I guess its true, be careful what you ask for!


Kathie said...

Hey, I've been reading your blog after I found you through a comment you left on Kristina's blog. My husband and I will be serving as missionaries in Chile pretty close to where you are as soon as the Lord allows. A lot of the things you say about Chile on your blog are exactly like what my husband has told me about it. (he went there on a missions trip in 2005, before he met me... we got married April 2008)

I just think it's really encouraging to see another missionary to the same country the Lord has called us to. We have some missionary friends that we will be working with as soon as we get down there. I've never been there so it really helps to talk to people who live there.

Oh, and I have to ask you... do you have the recipe for the bread that everyone makes down there in Chile? Vince (my husband) has been craving it for so long... and I love making homemade bread, but I just can't find the recipe for the bread down there in Chile!

You can email me back at, since I hardly check the comments on my blog. I really should update it more, but I'm really bad at keeping up with it lol.

~Kathie LaRue

Randall and Rachel Beita said...

So wonderful how when you left this in God´s hands he worked in your husband´s life.

I live in Costa Rica and here there are no aldi or cupons either. I guess the most frugal thing do do here is buying your fruits and veggies in the local market instead of the store.

I am not sure how I came across your blog but it is nice to read about the life of another missonary. You are welcome to visit my blog at if you wish.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I don't know anything about Dave Ramsey, but I wish I did now we need to save lots of money after hubs lost his job!

Rhonda in Chile said...

Hello, Mrs.L and Rachel! Glad to know other missionaries! Mrs.L, the bread that your husband raved about cannot be duplicated! Even here, nobody makes it at home. They do make homemade bread, but its not anything like the bakery stuff!

I am so sorry about your husband's job situation! I guess nows not the best time to meet Dave, but it can't hurt!
Don't let this discourage you! God will be with you and your family. I don't know how things are in England, but the US financial crisis directly affects our town here. Except of course, for the Christians, who are citizens of Heaven, and therefore unafected!
Bless you all!!!

Anonymous said...

God is always in control...I just panic in between remembering! I think that's why we're told to keep our eyes on that heavenly goal, otherwise we panic.