Monday, March 30, 2009

Can I really be this busy?

Yes! Ever since we got home from vacation, we have been insanely busy. Of course, the normal post-vacation laundry and housework. Then the arrival of a guest from America...who is still here. He's not a problem at all, but another person is another person. I do not mind, since he brought us corn tortillas and dr Pepper. Then, my husband's aunt died. We had to drive 5 hours to the funeral and then 5 hours back. On the same day. Then, my Dh tells me that the men have been planning and evening in town. They treated us to chinese food. It was great, and a once-in-a-lifetime event for some. The only problem is that it was in the city, an hour away. I really did not want to drive anywhere. Then, the next day we had to drive into the city again for Vanessas check-up. We were all day in town, and we had missions conference at night, Oh yeah, and the guest speaker as another houseguest.

And, Vanessa still wakes up 3 times a night to eat. Yes, we know that is not good, but the process to end that requires a time of crying it out, something that you do not want to do when you have houseguests.

I am tired and my house is crying out for some TLC. Our vacation is just a fading memory. What can I say? No rest for the wicked, and the righteous dont need it, so they say.

I miss my blogging time and all my bloggy friends. You are important to me.


Sarah Joy said...

Bless your heart. Two of my babies were at that stage during deputation, and I understand how difficult that is!

Arlene said...

My son is two now, but I still remember that stage. He got to a point where he was only waking once per night, and that was just bliss! :o) Vanessa will be doing the same thing before you know it!

Oh, and our church just had our missions' conference last month, and we had Dave and Peggy Disney as one of our visiting missionary families. So, I asked him if he knew you, and come to find out, he does! :o) So, he says "Hi!" He seemed a little confused when I tried to explain to him how I knew you or what this whole blogging thing is, exactly, lol, which was kinda funny. But anyway, just wanted to pass on that "hello" from the Disneys! :o)

Rhonda in Chile said...

Hello, Sarah Joy! Yes its difficult, but at least I know that
someday it will be over!

Hi, Arlene!
Thanks for the greetings from the Disneys. Hope y'all had agreat missions conference. I've know Dave and Peggy for 25 years. Actually, it was "Uncle Dave" and "Aunt Peggy" until just recently. They are real troopers.

Arlene said...

We did have a great conference -- we met our goal from last year (just over $100,000), made a commitment of almost $118,000 for this year, and were able to take on two new missionaries! God is so good!

Our church has been supporting the Disneys ever since they first went out to the field (my husband and I just moved to this church and this area 2 years ago, so this was the first time we'd met them), and it was great to have them as part of our conference! I would have loved to have them as my "aunt" and "uncle" too -- I'll bet it was a lot of fun! :o)