Thursday, October 29, 2009

Chilean Food, Marraqueta

The basis of the chilean diet is not tortillas, as many assume, but bread. The one shown above the the marraqueta. This is the most delicious of them all, IMHO. They are fairly large, each half about the size of a bagle, but lighter. Don't buy them while they are still hot because you end up eating the whole bag!

The most common bread is the one above, the hallulla, pronounced eye-you-yah.

These are good, but I am now sick to death of them! Chileans, however, never tire of them. They are life and breath to them! Give me a marraqueta any day.


Anonymous said...

Oh wow!---Your posts on Chilean food are completely different than I thought they would be. Thanks for the education. (o:

JulieMom said...

They both look good to me! And since my favorite food group is carbs, that shouldn't be a surprise.

You asked about the fitness stuff. Well...I have given up my gym membership. I don't have the time to go. So I will begin working out here at home.

When...? That's the big question. LOL.