Wednesday, May 30, 2007

My reading Bible

Some folks have their regular glasses and their reading glasses. I have my regular Bible (actually 2) and my reading Bible. My reading Bible is very special to me, because its the Bible that helps me to read all the Bible, and to read every day. Its called the One Year Bible, and it gives me daily reading from the OT, NT, Psalms and Proverbs. There is no devotional, no commentary, just the Word.

I find this format to be extremely helpful to get a great cross-section of the Word for my daily needs. Also, the calendar format encourages me not to miss a day.

Now, reading your Bible everyday faithfully does not necessarily guarantee spirituality. That being said, you cannot be spiritual if you are not daily renewing your mind with Scripture. I must daily check my mind-set with the mind-set of God. If needs be, I must readjust my thinking. If I am not continually in the Word, satan can lie to me, and I will not know the difference. I must daily, systematically fill my mind with the Truth.

There are days that my reading is fulfilling and exciting. There are some days when I am just going through the motions, I must confess. Still, the habit of reading is there, and God can use it!

What helps you to read and study God's Word daily?


Sis. Julie said...

I don't really have anything that helps me read and study my Bible daily. I just love to do it!! Having a blog helps me to get in the Word and dig though. I always read and will do a little study but by committing my blog to the Lord and being a help to others I try to study things that will be of help to others as they are a help to me. I do try to use the same Bible to read and study though. I have a couple of Bibles but I only really use one for everything.

Kristi said...

You know what inspires me? My husband. When we first got married, I was sort of the spiritual leader. Not because I wanted to be. But because he wouldn't be. Bruce and I were not raised in similar homes. We were in church everytime the doors were opened. He went on Easter and Mother's Day. He has come so far in sixteen years. I'm proud of the man of God he has become and he inspires me to read the Word more. Seeing how his life has changed and how he is so different from his family (whom I LOVE very much).


Anonymous said...

I'm actually on the look out for a good King James Study Bible because I've been reading through the Bible in the King James and it's not a version I've read before. I'm in Psalms now.

Rhonda in Chile said...

Hello ladies! I always love getting comments from the three of you!

Sarah, Candy from "keeping the Home" linked to a really interesting site that helps to read the KJV and understand it. I didn't read it all, but you might like to take a look. The post just said something like "read it if you dare" or something like it.

Julie, do youa teach a ladies Bible study at your church? It seems like you prepare a lot of Bible studies, are they only for your blog?

Kristi, what a great marriage testimony! I have been watching all the activities at your Church with great interest!