Thursday, April 09, 2009

Sitting at the feet of Jesus

I gave a short devotion at our ladies meeting. As it was the first meeting of the year, we had a dinner and just a short teaching. I talked about Phoebe in Romans 16 and Mary, the sister of Martha.
Paul praised Phoebe highly for the work that she did. Jesus also praised Mary for just sitting there, listening to him.
Who was better?
To me, its all a matter of timing. There is a time to be busy about the Lord's work. To roll up your sleeves and do what has to be done. There are children to care for and a house and a church to be cleaned. There are meals to be made and a hundred other chores to be done....for the glory of the Lord.
Then there is a time to sit at Jesus' feet and listen, drink in all that He has to say. Commune with the Master. This takes quiet and stillness.

Lately I have not had a great deal of quiet time. Sometimes I feel that I am running on spiritual autopilot. But the truth is that for now, I must be busy. Its busy time and there is no time to dawdle. This is not a time for introspection, its a get-up-and-get-it-done time.

Oh Lord, give me the wisdom to know when to be a Phoebe and when to be a Mary

1 comment:

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Enjoy a wonderful week.