Thursday, March 13, 2008

We were supposed to be in Argentina!

Every year, for the past 4 years, we have vacationed in Argentina at this particular time of year. Yes, the week after the annual Bill Smith conference, we pack up the car and head over the Andes into the foothill country of southern Argentina. We spend about a week in a cabin, thankful that the prices dropped after school started 2 weeks ago. We eat delicious Argentine beef and yummy fresh pasta. We visit Bariloche and go bowling and ice skating. We visit the chocolate factory. We head down to our favorite mountain town, El Bolson and rest and relax.

This year, it was not to be. And I am having Contentment Issues.
Does it surprise you that a missionary could have Contentment Issues? Shouldn't missionaries just be thrilled to have a house with plumbing? We'll you're right. I should. I should be thrilled and thankful. So should you. We all should, but we aren't as thankful as we should be. At least I am not, don't know about you!

Well, there's always next year!

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