Thursday, June 22, 2006

If, by Amy Carmichael

I am not, by nature, a poem person. A dear friend gave me this book of short poems by Amy Carmichael and they are just right for me! Short and to the point.

IF I can write an unkind letter, speak an unkind word, think an unkind thought without grief and shame, then I know nothing of Calvary's love.



Cherish the Home said...

I like this book too....because I, like you, am not really into poetry. I find most of it boring and a bit silly.

Rhonda in Chile said...

Could it be possible that you and I are long-lost twins?

Kristi said...

I like poetry, but Hannah, my daughter, can sit and read it all day long.

Cherish the Home said...

LOL Rhonda...personality-wise *DEFINITELY*....looks-wise....not so much!

Cherish the Home said...

When I read poetry I want to yell...."JUST SAY IT!!" It seems it takes two paragraphs to get one thought across.

I'm so excited Rhonda...I thought I was the only one....I feel better now. (o;

Pfingston said...

Beautiful, Amy Carmichael is a biography that I still need to read. She was an amazing woman. On another subject; I thought you might find this post interesting and helpful with your young ladies:

Pfingston said...

oopps I forgot to give you the post title:

"Mothering as a ministry"

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda, I wanted to stop by and say 'hi'. I've missed your blog and I am looking forward to reading the rest of your posts later. I love this little poem, I'm not keen on poetry normally but this is punchy. Many blessings, blog ya later! :o)