Monday, April 02, 2007

Sunday Recap

Susan Hutchins started doing this, and I think its a fine idea. I know that Christians should be Christians everyday of the week, but you can usually get the "feel" of the Church when we all meet on Sunday.

After our return from vacation, the following Sunday was awful. We had a low, low 65. People problems were numerous and serious. Neil spent a good portion of last week trying to assess the damage. We have one terrible case of marital infidelity. We've got another pregnant teenager, this one younger than the last one. We've had disgruntled members. We've had many petty problems and rumors and the like. Last week was not really all that good.

Here's the good. This Sunday we started a new mission in another little town called Mafil. We took a group of 10 from Lanco and 7 came from Mafil. Not too bad. We had 2 people saved over the weekend. Our attendance rose to 77 in Lanco, not great, but a whole lot better thatn 65! Our sheep are beginning to return to the fold.

I don't know what's going to happen to the poor little girl (14) who is pregnant. She has been attending our Church sporadically for the past year, although she was faithful years ago. We see nothing but defiance in her face, so we are just waiting for the Holy Spirit to move. The Church members who are aware of the case of infidelity are deeply saddened. We are praying that God would work in that family. The offender wants to come home, but the offendee is realllllyyyyy hurt and not really in a talking mood.

You know, when you go home from Church, you may not realize that your pastor and his wife often spend the rest of the evening talking about who came and who didn't and why. We are encouraged sometimes, saddened sometimes. We make a mental list of all the people we need to see during the week. If you love your pastor, go to Church! That way, he won't have to wonder what happened to you;)


Pfingston said...

Well, I'll be praying.
It is sad to hear what happened. Seems like the enemy was just celebrating your absence . . . hate that when that happens.

TO BECOME said...

If people could just understand the pastor doesn't have just one to be concerned and pray for he has the whole church. He is also responsible to give an account to God for each person in church. People should be faithful to God and then they will be to their church and their Pastor. He is a man who has problems just like we do, yet he always has to be there and be faithful. We should pray many times a day for our Pastors and their families. How do I know this because my oldest son is a Pastor and I have been close friends who have been Pastors' wives. I have noticed something in the last few years also, It seems the the devil is out to get all those who are leaders in our churches. so, we do need to pray for them faithfully. connie from Texas

Sis. Julie said...

You make a very good point here about those that don't come being sorely missed by the pastor and his wife. It breaks my husband's heart to look out and find people missing. Some we know why they weren't there and yet others we don't. And we have a very small church so it is easy to see who is not in the service. It truly does sadden our hearts.