Thursday, August 31, 2006

Do you want to know what a good Christian does?

I love this list. Thanks be to the Lord for godly ladies like Sister Julie.

The Bible talks about "putting off" and "putting on".

These are definitely "put ons"

Can you do all these things and still be a lost sinner? Yes, but you'll have a hard time staying a sinner! Filling your life with God can only bring you closer to Him.


PS I am hoping for something funny to post. I need a good clean laugh. Any ideas? A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. Proverbs 17:22

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Here's a site that might help with the good, clean jokes:

We are in Texas, where my husband is studying Spanish for two semesters. It is HOT but we are having a good time! -Stephanie