Wednesday, August 02, 2006

What would Jesus think of your Church?

I think that this is a question we should all ask ourselves, often. If Jesus came to one of our services, what would He think? Would he find us "stuck up" and unfriendly? Would he think we are totally disrespectful in our dress and actions? How do you think He'd like the sermon? Or would He say, "Thats not what I said"? Would He find us attentive to the teaching or daydreaming?
What do you think He'd say about our church activities? If he came to our youth activities, would He feel uncomfortable? Would he sing along to our Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs?

The thing is this....He IS at our Church. Does He like it?



Tori Leslie said...

Good question Rhonda, we sure need to dwell on that a while!

Bethanie said...

I'm afraid He would be saying "Hey Wake Up!" As for me personally I hope He would be proud of me.

Tami said...

We ask a similiar question in our home as well as our church.....would you do that, say that, watch that, if Jesus were with you???? BTW - if you are saved, HE IS!!! AMEN!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would have to say that if the sermon wasn't inspired by the Holy Spirit I wouldn't want to listen to it either! I love my church so much, I know Jesus is there with us praising and being praised. We don't get everything right, but we want to and we want to follow Him! Praise His Name.