off my printmaster and onto my blog. Yeah for me!
Html continues to baffle me. I had never heard of it until three months ago.
Some of you do so well with it. Your blogs are personal, not just a template that a whole bunch of other bloggers have.
This is wounding my pride. I am not used to feeling stupid, and boy, I feel stupid. But I love a challenge!
Now I might just run over to the Antiqui-tea book club and ask them if interior design includes blogs. If so, I am making progress on a more artful life!
Well...congratulations on figuring all this stuff out. I still haven't. I don't even know how to put my category posts in my links as categories. I want to do that with my courtship posts and my Godly apparel posts. I stared at my template yesterday just hoping it would jump out at me what I needed to do...guess didn't!! Oh well...maybe someone can help me with it someday.
I know NOTHING about html! I get graphics from free sites and that's it!
Hey Rhonda,
I'm no expert but if you need some help let me know. *Ü*
Looks like your getting the hang of it.
Your doing great! Maybe I'll learn one of these days.
The pictures are cute, where'd you get them?
Thank you All!!!
I am still trying to figure out how to do more in the sidebar and heading. I would love to desing my own heading.
I get my graphics from my printmaster by Broderbund. I pick out the graphic, then I have to export it as a "gif" into "my pictures" Then I can upload it to blogger!
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